There was a bunch of quotes on the walls as well. I really like this one:
"What’s great about this country is that America started the tradition where the richest consumers buy essentially the same things as the poorest. You can be watching TV and see Coca Cola, and you know that the President drinks Coca Cola, Liz Taylor drinks Coca Cola, and just think, you can drink Coca Cola, too. A coke is a coke and no amount of money can get you a better coke than the one the bum on the corner is drinking. All the cokes are the same and all the cokes are good. Liz Taylor knows it, the President knows it, the bum knows it, and you know it."
"Art is what you can get away with."
"In the future everyone will be famous for fifteen minutes."
Dang can't find the favorite one. Dah well, sucks for you.

Managed to snag one picture. Muahahaha!
After being all artsy and getting enlightened , we decided to head to another art gallery, but ended up not finding it. So it ended up with just chillaxin' and just hanging out. Cool in my opinion.

Not the coolest way to go.

Sorry. The lady on the left was holding a sign that said "I'm hungry" and asked us for money. I didn't notice her, and Wai took this picture. I'm messed up. Holding two hotdogs and she hella feenin' my grub. I'm sorry.

Makes throwing thrash fun. Ballin'!


Hadn't had it in a while. Mmmm... choco and caramel.

I like the new lens. The pictures come out cool. Or not!? Anyways this is what I'm using for my Nikon D80.

Emo mode on lock.