Done did it now

School was cool today. HAHA. After school I decided to stop by work to write down my hours. However, the plan had a slight change. When I got there we had got a huge shipment from Adidas and Vans. Pretty nice. Bunch of Half Cabs from Vans and some classic bangers from Adidas.

What was the slight change you say? Well...

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Adidas Campus 80's. Buttersoft suede!

For people who know me, they know this is big. I know, I know its pretty lame. Anyways, I haven't had a pair of three stripes in over half a decade. Haven't even thought of getting a pair. Everything else was alright, but not a pair of Dasslers. The streak is no over, I couldn't pass up these babies. Plain and simple, just great. Very nice.

Can't wait to get other colors too - oh I said, oh I did!

It felt kinda weird, I was kinda shaky (sike). So I went to Subway to sit down and grab a bite.

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Wai hooked it up. Thanks man! (I'm just gonna call "no homo" for the guy who is leaning on the wall in the back)

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I was still shaky after the purchase. Hehe.