The day started with this:

And later on it was like this:

Sunny and bright. What if I was this tall!?
Anyways then I got to work. Chill day at work with the Big Boss. Tomas and Stian came by and chilled a bit.

Big Boss with his new Stone Island jacket. SICK!
Rest of the pictures from the store are taken from Tomas's blog. Thanks!

Stay tuned.

Are those Solebox Asics!? WHAAAT!?

Done son. Another day, another dollar(actually another "kroner", but..ehh..whatever)
The rest of the day went to chillin at Eve and Decks place and watching the first episodes of Heroes season 3 - "Villains". I must say its looking pretty good. A lot of stuff is going on, and it will be cool to see how it will be presented.
Wai and me, got this in the mail today:

Its HUGE! More info later.