All this during my workday. What am I thinking? OBESE ME NOW!
The day after I always tend to work as well. It was all good though, except for that one hour when we were only three working and a quadrillion customers. We survived though, and all was nice.
After work was fun. Reunited with Sjodrikk aka Sivertsen aka Roger aka Møkrrerererer aka Dj Ededick aka Sparky aka Thomas, and the list goes on. The man of many aliases was back. His been up North and "serving" the country. More like being up there and wanting to move back. I understand man, its over soon! Anyways, since he has been "serving" the country, and the country hadn't been "serving" him, we decided to go out to eat. (After a little kick back at work of course - Saturday essentials)

Thats what happens to you when you get back to civilization after spending time in the army. Sjanaiiiiiteddddd!

Einar being all important. Nice to see you again too!

Dj Speedo on his iPhone. Hmm, haven't seen that before!

After work delight.

Yeah, thats that new move they learned up in the army.
We ate at Lille Saigon, pretty good. I wanted Rice Bowl, but the others wanted to drink beer while eating. They don't serve that at Rice Bowl so we ended up at the other place. It was pretty good, the company was better (no homo). When the food was done and digested, Thomas and Einar had to split, had to attend a stupid birthday party (in al reality just to cool to hang out), so me and Ricky Late hit up Internasjonalen, to just chill and chop it up. We didn't stay there to long cause Norway had a game and we had to watch it(Oh man, we should've won! On the other hand, we never do anyways).

Good times.

19:57. Train left at 20:00. They actually made it. Although they threw up all the food they ate, they made it. Guess the army got you working out. HAH!

Hmm. That beenie is cool.
Went to see the end of the game, and watched the others play some "Guitar Hero". And thats pretty much how I ended my Saturday. Was going to meet up with some people downtown to party, but I was knocked out. Oh well.

Run DMC had a little featuring in the game. WAAAAAAALLLLKKK THIS WAAAAAAAAAAAY!

Last image I saw before getting knocked out. No wonder I had this crazy dream.