Early in the morning. I looked at my watch wrong today, thought I was late. But, when I got to school I was half an hour early. Weird. Bitter, could've slept longer. Argh!

Getting that work on...

And then we gave up. NOT!

Lurking in the back. Sometimes I give myself the creeps. Hah!

With the cold weather now. This is so mandatory. Hot coco to the rescue!
Anyways, after school it was off to work at Hall of Fame. A whole lot of new stuff came in. Managed to snatch me a new backpack too! It was easy breezy at work. Good for me, cause I was ready to fall back.

Loving it. Kinda bright colorway, but I always wanted this one. And besides darker times are ahead, gotta brighten it up a little bit.
A quick stop at Soleservice, just to check the new stuff over there and I was off to Angies place. Was going to watch a movie, but got knocked out. Woke up three hours later - movie over. It was "Sex in the city- the movie", but its alright. Already saw it. Hah! I'm not ashamed though. And I almost cried too! (Sike!? Heh!)

The new goat/sheep hoodie at work. Hehe... Not really funny though. Hmm.

Another one of those mandatory things lately. Candy from Narvesen. With the sale their having on that candy, I find myself on a "sugar high" constantly.

Nostalgic treasure of today. My pimp cane back in the day. I swore that the cane could manipulate people to do whatever I wanted. The bad guy from Aladdin did it, why couldn't I right? Have no idea why I posted it though, but whatevs,
All in all a nice day, so happy that I don't start school until late tomorrow. Wow, its October tomorrow. Time flies. Shoot, finals soon. Pray for me!