Ugh, came home late last night, woke up early today. Wanted to sleep in, but I promised that I was going to play soccer with the guys. Swear, I hadn't played in a long time, but I was up for the challenge. It was fun! Felt good to play again, been missing it. I played alright, but the machinery is not as well oiled as it used to be. Even though I got off the field with a busted body, with sore muscles, rug burns, and etc, I still won a bet. Me and Deck said that whoever scored the most goals wins a kebab. Hurray for me. Anyways, hopefully I get to play more in the near future. And yeah, no pictures from todays match. My bad, but heres a little throwback picture:

Chap soccer 05/06! Good old times. 702 was ours!
The rest of the day I was done. Tired from the combination of no sleep and running around crazy on a field just killed me. I feel asleep right after getting home. Here are some flicks, after a good power nap.

Sunday people.

Eily doing her thing. Deck already knows its going to be hot(no homo).

Trying to be artsy.

Love the new flannel shirt. Thanks again Stian!

Uhm, yeah. One of those again.
Ah well. Back to school tomorrow. Wish internship was longer. Guess I just gotta face it. Also gotta step up my game this week. Lots of stuff is due. Wish me luck.