Oh they grow up so fast. You hyperactive dog you! Swear she's like that bunny from those old Duracell battery commercials. Or maybe she's just in her mating-period. Hah, I'm sitting with my legs up on the chair. Cause you already know how crazy the dogs get. Leg humping!? Count me out.

Them old folks stay fresh!
When my cousins and Richard came back from their little Sunday walk, we all decided to go out and get some dinner. A couple of songs completed in "Guitar Hero" and we were off to Mucho Mas, best Mexican food that I have tasted in Oslo. Met up with a hungry Wai and a talkative Judy. Ate dinner outside, it was a little cold, but being around friends warms it up pretty fast(awww, how stupid).

They just can't get enough of it. To bad we don't have Rock Band. I wanna be the one playing the flute! (No homo)

Richards 400-hits-in-a-row-pose.

One big weird family.

Talkative Judy. Her stories and thoughts are way cool and interesting. Sha'mener!?
Anyways, had some bomb-arse chicken quesadilla. Hayofa joined the party and we all just chopped it up untill the rain came. Then we decided to go to McDonalds. Swear, we were still hungry, well at least the guys. Then it started pouring. Guess it was a sign from God to stay away from the fastfood. I thought to myself "we never learn," and then it started to pour even more. Everybody just ran to the tram station. The weather changed so fast. I swear I thought the cheeseburgers were gonna get soggy. Hmm..

Wai jealous of my grub. Mine was waiiiiiii good muahahahaha!

Sunday shoes.
We got back home and more fun was to come. Eily made us some homemade Oreo-shakes aka sugar bombs. Its been a longtime since I've had one of these. I still remember making those at 3 am and crying myself to sleep, because the sugar rush didn't want to stop (sike).

Cheeseburgers. 10 kr each. Couldn't pass it up. Sorry God for I have sin.

Just great. Although as I type this my stomach is kinda bubbly. Hah.
Next up was some Xbox (swear Wai cheats), Iron Man movie(I want a suit like that, and a woman in a dress like Gweneth Paltrows - heck just give me her!) and TV(We takin' over!).

Eily - not all heroes wear a cape, however this guitar hero surely does!

We were watching TV, this show called "Tingenes Tilstand". Its about people collecting stuff. This guy collects My little Pony's. Uhm, thats cool...

Main reason for watching it! My cousins and their Nikes! (More on that later)

Loving my new background. Thanks HELABO!
Weekend over. Weekend appreciated.