Thursday done, weekend next

I hate waking up late and having to leave the house in a hurry. Today I woke up 5 minutes before the bus left, and I thought I wasn't gonna get to school in time. However,you know the saying "the apple doesn't fall to far from the three?". Yeah,my dad was also late, so he offered to give me a ride to the bus stop. Thanks dad. Made it to school and it was a chill day. Pretty much just read and hung out with them classmates. I'm really blessed with my classmates, everybody floats on the same wave and helps out each other! Good lookin' out.

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Another guy was late today, my good friend Fredrik. It was nice seeing him again, we go way back! Since them soccer days dude. Whats good with the Sigma lens!? HAH.

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What can I say!? They love me. Yeah right!

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Poor JD, Got jumped by little girls (sike). Still look cute (no homo).

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Rice and chicken, essentials in a Filipino's life.

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Some sick maze setup at school. It was like 20 ft long! I gave up.

I gave up so I got myself to Wai's school to do some reading. Stayed there for a long arse time. Chilled, crammed, and watched them artists doing their thing. Man I wish I could draw. Fun hanging out with you guys. And that was pretty much it. Thursday is in the books.

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Sick Marc by Marc Jacobs backpack.

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New Hundos shirt. Finally its in my possession! Thanks Tomas. Cherry-licious! (the shirt, not Tomas. Hah!)

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All focused with his work. Can't rush perfection.

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All the colors of the rainbow. Pick a weapon.

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I just love those penguins!! Made by the people from illdesign.

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Maria made this crazy drawing. The objective was to use objects in front of you and use it as inspiration for a piece. Crazy huh!? The sea weed is from keys and matches and the fishes are paperclips. All you need is imagination!

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The Hundreds is Huge. We got next!

Although it was a chill day, I can't wait till the weekend. I know there will be a lot going on, but just the thought of weekend is calming. This week school has been to much on my mind. Can't wait to get to work!