The day started of with me sleeping in, it was a "study day" so I figured I would study the art of sleeping. Nah, but I got some extra shut-eye before heading to school for some reading. It was cool, pretty chill, and got some work done.

Cram, cram, cram!

The trusted highlighter. Never leave home without it!

Swear, the Internet is the devil. It will sidetrack you when you least want it! Here we are playing with the "make-your-own-fixie-thingy". Quality entertainment, but not good. Poison for the brain.
After cramming the books for a couple of hours and getting sidetracked even longer, I decided to link up with Wai and Aggie. Met up with them to eat, then we went to Fotogalleriet to look at Ida Ekblad's "Silver Ruins" gallery. It was pretty nice, I like the way she used the 80s-90s hip-hop culture as a theme. Cool photos and nice set-ups. Job well done! Thanks for letting us take pictures.

Got some Mickey D's. I never learn.

Showing off her George Clinton concert ticket from last night. Swear I missed out. Dude was playing for almost three hours with his 20-man band - now thats an entertainer!

My favorite pieces. Go check it out, its still open. More info at Fotogalleriet.
When that was done, we decided to roam around Grûnerløkka to just kill time and enjoy each others company. Wai is new in town, so figured it would be a nice thing to do. Stopped by "street-art-centrum" and a bunch of secondhand stores. It's always nice to go in those stores. Either you find something really nice, or something that brings you back to the past, or just something very funny.

Just some of the stuff we saw.

Asians aka posers.

Treasure of the day. Legit. SIKE!

Bring it back old school! Thanks for the free credits!
The next thing on the event list was to meet up with Arif aka Phil T Rich aka Mick Swagger. Met up with him at our beloved Huntinglodge. Chopped it up as usual with the owner of the store and just chilled for a while. Always cool to just hang over there. Daffid(spellcheck?), Mr. owner, is always nice and friendly. Good looking out man! Please get the soccer-mom t-shirt! Please! After that we just all went to get some Thai food. Sorry Rice Bowl, but we had already on the way home, so we ordered from another place. Sorry. Took it with us home, and just ate loads of food, chilled and watched movies. You guys are great!

This was sick! More info soon - just know that you gotta check it out when it opens!

Act like you don't know!

Aggie with a new pick-up! Nice!

Them peoples.

Delicious. Them Gai sticks were bomb! (No homo)

Nothing is as nice as new Hundos gear.
And thats the way the cookie crumbles.