Lately I've been tired just cause I go to bed way to late and wake up way to early. I brought that on myself though, need to get that discipline. Other than that I am pretty happy. Especially today. Had a great day today.
I love the place where I am having my internship at. Its such a giving place to work. I really get motivated and inspired seeing these "patients" work hard for a better day. And me getting to be a part of it is just a blessing. God job people!
Today I met up with Cecilie. Hadn't seen here in a while, so it was nice to catch up. Thanks for the shirt and good company during linner, the feast between lunch and dinner.

She has this thing for Heinz products. Go figure.

Mad cause I caught her admiring Heinz.

Trying to find out what all the fuss is all about.

Uh! Tabasco went down the wrong drain.
After the Heinz fetish, we took our separate ways. My path took me to work, where I was up for several treats. Hurray!
First of all Ricky Late finally got his Aerospoke wheel! It was looking hot! Congrats.


I gotta step up my bike game! Anyways over to the next treat. My lovely cousin had dropped off the Tokina Fisheye converter(more on that later) I had ordered for my Nikon. That made my day. Assembled it right a way and went crazy with it. The rest of the day went to taking pictures with my new toy. Enjoy! I know I did! Thanks cousin for the hook up!


Thank you Sara (Panuu) for the present! Appreciated!