Nothing much happened the rest of this evening. Hung out a bit bit Angie. Ate and just chiilaxed. Trying to save some energy, its going to be a day tomorrow.
Anyways, heres some pictures from todays shenanigans. Just messing around.

Heck yeah! San Remo's chicken shawarma!

Going to buy me some chicken filet and spice it up with this. Hehe.

Soleservice after dark. Sorry to the woman by the door. You just happened to be there. Don't get mad nor conceded. Hehe.

My green stretch-limo. Never on time, but gets me from A to almost B.

Uhm, anyways. The new backpack is treating me well. Back relief, finally.

The bus had a little surprise for me. Met Mr. Benum, dude I went to class with last year. We truly miss him in the class, and its good to see he is doing good. See you around man!

And I'll see you guys around!

Trying to be cool...