BLACK...and white Friday

Because of the bad weather I decided to take all the photos in B/W. I don't really know if that is a reason for taking pictures like that, but that was the best excuse I had. And besides I had never used that setting before. Anyways, long school day yesterday. I guess it was the weather that kept me at school, I didn't want to go out in the rain, so I just stayed and read. Geek status!

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Posers! Heh! You guys are cool though.

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Nice. Can you spot it!?

After school I went to Stress and chilled, like always. Man, I need a life. Hah! Swear I lurk downtown to much. Dah, well! Later on me and Eily went and met the others, shortly followed by a stop at Huntinglodge for the release of their collaboration tee with Whiteout. More of that later.

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A thinking he cool. J knows other wise.

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Now she's cool!

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A still trying to impress. E not having it.

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Reppin' time.

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Rowena is in town. Thanks again!

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Very nice.

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Lost her cool. Hah!

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Them Tjongs!

Stay tuned for pictures from the release!