Woke up after dreaming that I had an afro the size of super big microphone. Really random, really weird. Maybe its a sign!? That I'm going to become an microphone, or that I'm going to becoming a recording artist!? SIIIIKEEE. HAH!

They can't stop us!


Thought it looked cool.
Had lunch with Anna, also known as breakfast for me. We ate at Mickey D's just cause the day before we talked about how people have different things(weird) they do with their food at McDonalds. And she wanted to see how I brokedown my meal, and vice versa. HAH! Well, I always grab a lot of ketchup and bombard it with pepper. I dip my fries in my sundae. I used to put fries in my burger. I used to have bacon in my coke(sike). And a lot of other stuff that would gross you out. And that would make you never visit my blog anymore, so I'll keep it for myself. I had a good time my Swedish buddy!

Hehe. Your cool!

Still early. (Truth is that Anna took my peppers!)
After the meal, I went to Soleservice for ladies. Always cool to chop it over there. It seems like when you sit down there, you stay there. So, I was there and chilled for a while, and I got to borrow the office to get some reading done. And yeah. Let me work there one day!? Hella girls go there... hehehe!


Trine wouldn't let me take a picture of her, but I do like your Chucks though! Your not to bad yourself either! HEH!

Their counter is kinda cool. And I kinda think those Adidas shoes are cool too. Weird huh!?

Getting schooled.
The rest of the day went to getting my bus card, reading more, and playing ball. Event full day, I liked it!

Getting that bus card. Took forever because...

I was so far behind. And this picture was taken a good 20 numbers before. Swear it took forever. Only negative part today. Yeah, yeah. I did get mines eventually.