Midway break

Halfway through the week, and its nice to have a day off. Didn't do to much either, which was even better. Just chilled and hung out. Should've read some, but maybe later tonight. SIKE. Hah! It was a cool day, nice weather even.

The day started around noon, it felt good to sleep in again. Then I met up with Arif and we got our grown man on. Acne had the big sale so we got some good bargains. Thanks Lena for the hook up!

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Props to the people of Acne! You guys did a good job. I feel sorry for you guys who gotta clean up. It was seriously overwhelming. Mountains of jeans on sale. Go get yours!

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Got myself some good prices on chinos. I love these chinos. The quality is just top notch. Thanks again Lena for hooking it up big time!

After burning cash that I shouldn't have used I met up with Pia and Silje, two old classmates. It was good to catch up. We just ate pizza and talked about all the stuff we used to do in High School. Hah! We were such geeks, swear I still am.

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They wouldn't let me take a picture of them, so here is my knee in their apartment. Very nice way of living girls! Props! See you soon again.

On the way home to catch the soccer game, I spotted these lucky people.

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They were on their way to watch the game live at the stadium. To bad Norway lost...again.

The rest of the evening we just chilled and played Richard's new game.

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This game is crazy. The music gives me goosebumps. Its just like the movie. Very nice. The "takedown scenes" are crazy. You gotta try it.

Oh and yea...

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A little travel case for all your menstrual needs. I wonder if you can use it as a card holder!? Hmmm.