Anyways, yesterday was cool. Me and Arif just basically just chilled and roamed the streets. Hadn't chilled out with him for a while so that was cool. SSK! Hah! Can't wait for your new projects to come out! You heard it here first, he is going to blow up! This stoop kid is about to leave his stoop to do bigger and better things. You already know. To bad he missed out on dinner that Eily made us yesterday though. Hella good!
Uhm, and now over to the pictures.

cANDY man got his finals tickets! No need for camp-outs if your a EAK (En av kara aka one of them boys)
Then we had a little fun with the calculator at their office.


Then it was to Arif's place so he could switch up some kicks.

These ATO's are beautiful. I see you shining!

Then we took the car downtown again.

Go get it at Hall of Fame. Really nice in person.

Yeah anyways...

Eily hiding a project under her beanie.

Working. Hehe...

Jacko you already know you got competition.
After lurking at Stress, we got our act together and...

robbed ICA blind. SIKE.
Hehe, all that happened and then I fell asleep. I'm bout to hit up the ACNE jeans sale soon. Hurray.