Thursday recap

Like mentioned last night, I was to dead to post anything from yesterday. Anyways I'm still dying, but not as much. Here's a little rundown of the day before.

Yesterday was cool, went to school, was half naked in front of the whole class, and then I did some reading. Half naked you say? Yeah, there was this teacher who had to show some treatment techniques, and I was chosen to be her patient(no pedo). I guess it was alright. I am majoring Physical Therapy so, showing and seeing skin is a normal matter. Hehe, hopefully it wasn't nasty for the viewers. HAH! Uhh...

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Wearing that skirt before class...

Yeah,yeah. After school I met up with Arif. Him and his partner, Rob Banks, had been teaching some local kids to rap and stuff, and yesterday was the time to show their skills. It was funny and cool to see the kids do their thing. Some of them got talent. Actually all of them got talent, one way or the other. Its inspiring to see how eager they were. A thing I found kinda funny was when the 12-13 year olds were rapping about how they hate the cops and how they get money. HEHE! I guess thats just the way they roll. God job Hustle&Flow. Good to see you be giving back to the community, Heheh...

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The little men be rocking the stage.

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Hustle&Flow teaching them a thing or two.

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Rykkinfella! Keep doing your thing man! Man behind Karpe Diems new hit! Keep it up.

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Bankenlagerpenger - Rykkinfella, Young Hella(happy birthday!), Phil T. Rich.

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This lil'man is crazy. The DJ for the event. DJ Viet'NAAAAAMMM! HAH!

The day wasn't over there. Although I don't have any pictures, we played some ball at school. It was nice. Even though I messed up my back it was cool. If you go to HiO and want to play some ball get at me!

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Raw ready to...

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Tootsie Rool!

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Had to pay my respect to the main Mike.

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Good run guys.

Yeah, yeah. Gotta get back to work.