Today was an alright day. Saw a bunch of cool shoes. Hah! That was about it!
Naw, but didn't really do to much besides school. One funny thing that happened at school today, was that we learned about how to control your pee. Hehe! We learned about how some people tend to leak, while doing activities that usually won't make you pee. Dang, I'm bad at explaining, but anyways it was cool. We learned different exercises to make your "keep-your-pee-to-yourself-muscles" stronger. Hah! Should've had some pictures of that. Not that I'm a pee person or anything. Uhm, anyways.. heh.
Back to besides school. Well yeah I saw some cool shoes, some really cool shoes. I hung out with Arif. Swear, keep your head up man! People be trippin' these days. Don't judge people by its cover. Real talk! Then I ate some good food, and hung out with Steinar. Good to see you again man, can't wait to see them frames. Hopefully Friday works out.
A stupid thing that happened today was me falling asleep on the bus. Swear, I slept past my stop. Had to walk extra un-motivating miles. And it was so freezing Yeah, yeah. This is all stupid stuff. Like I said - can't seem to fall asleep.
Here you go, some pixels.

Ricky's Infrareds.

Candyman's new Adidas Super Ape Skate Camo. That box is so nice, the shoes too of course.

Pay Two's vintage Nike's from 85'. Fresh!

Arif, Mr. Bape fiend, was amazed.

!!! Missed you man! Way family!

Dang, had two of these joints. Roast beef on that cheesebread. To bad the chicken x meat taco's didn't get pixelated. Very nice indeed.
Alright, got sleepy now. I'm off. By the way:

Good luck on your exam tomorrow Mr. Hassle to the Hoff mayn! See you soon! Cooli-oh! HAHA. Sorry needed to have an excuse to post the picture. But on the real, good luck. You got this.