Weekend recap part I

The first of many events during this weekend started with some school. Everybody was ready to just chill and relax, but we just had to give it a last push. God job. Another nice thing that happened that day was my good friend Tine's birthday. Sorry that I couldn't come to your celebration! Anyways, your hella cool! Hope you had a good day and more to come!

Its actually pretty cool to be at school these days, even though exams are creeping up on us. Really glad I started here. Thanks!

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Got that CDG x H&M ready.

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Dark Knight in the background.

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Lunch for a king. Hah! Very nice.

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Asmund with his everyday shoes and his rockclimbing shoes. WTH!?

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And it fits too!

And now the highlight of the (school)day!

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Happy birthday! Hope you had a good one!