Yeah I was dead yesterday and not in the best mood so an update was not happening. Not that you were waiting for one. Anyways, besides the fact that I sucked during practice last night, I did have an alright day. Got stuff done for my exam and I did get to hang out with good people. Don't want to seem/sound like a brat, but I need a break from this. I need to get my butt to LA/LV. Just need some old surroundings in my life right about now. Yeah, yeah. Here are some pictures from yesterday.

Love this game!

Raw playing some defense.

Jimmy Handles.

Mr. HiO Warrior!

Silent Assassin.

On point.

Always wondered what that thing is good for!?

And another one. Hah!

Sorry mom, I know you said its not good to point.
Yup, that was yesterday. Today wasn't that much better. What happened to this week!? Monday started so nice...