Anyways, when I got to downtown I met up with Arif who was kindly enough to take me to breakfast at T.G.I.F's on a Monday morning. Thank you man! It was hella good! Don't worry I got you next time. Hope the photo shoot went well!

Thank you sir!

In there its always Friday.
After grubbing I was ready for some reading. Went to the library to read some, didn't want to go to school and read because that place makes me sick these days. Hah! Anyways, I forgot how much I actually like library's. The children's section is hella cool! They had all the books I used to go through as a kid. I'm not much of a reader, but I loved to look at pictures and draw them. Heh. Stayed at the library for about 5 hours. Reading and reading, still more to go.


That would be cool to have.

One of the coolest books I knew of as a kid. "The young basketball plater" by Chris Mullin.
The cramming took its toll on me and I started to get hungry again. Met up with C to go eat and catch up a bit. Ate at People's which was the bomb!I had the cheese nacho chicken thingy with fried potatoes with aioli. CRAZY! I was dead full. Wonderful. Hah! She had the classic "ghetto" burger that looked mighty good as well. I like People's especially with good company. Thanks for a good time!


Awww... Hehe...

Got one picture. Muaha!
Good start on a week. Come on only a week left. I got this.