Last day. Sad, but it had to be done. The last day was just chilling with the people. Hanging out at the mall, meeting people from my old school, eating delicious food. I had so much fun. We also played ball. Swear I suck. Its been a longtime since I played on that carpet. Anyways... more on that later. All in all it was just so nice to play again with the guys. It was sad to say bye to the guys though. Thanks for everything. LD's was fun. It wa a cool last thing to do. Heavenly Chocolate. HAH! Forbidden fruits!
I'll be back. I'll be back soon enough.

The bum just woke up.

Shake and bake.

Dahl sisters. LV wasn't ready at all.

Me and my boy. Hah! Sike!

Wow. Gangsta.

The Fresh Prince of LV. Nuff said. Lame!

Happy Kotty!



Christoper Jay.


Knowledge is king.

Gotta love that chicken!

Be like water.

I love you guys!

Late night dinner at 3 am. Ballin'!

Going back to Cali. Nice. Hah!