Well, this isn't really weird, but according to the later activities it is. I'm thinking about school. This is the first time I stepped my foot on school grounds after exams. All I have done is read elsewhere. So that was one unordinary thing.
Usually I work on Fridays if nothing else is stated beforehand. And it wasn't so, I got to work and was ready. Then Big Boss said that I could just have the day off so that I could read and prepare my exams. So no work on a day I'm "supposed" to work. Thanks again!
Then when I get home I eat a lot. Well, thats not unordinary. Hah! Anyways...
Its Friday night and my little sister is out partying. Not that I'm usually out roaming the streets on this particular day, but tonight it was her who was out. And I was the one at home. Kinda weird. I'm actually still up waiting for her to come home and its like 3 am. Hah! Dang I'm a loser, even my little sister goes out and has some fun.
Yeah yeah. I do need this reading, and besides the Cavs play today and I have my own game tomorrow. ITS ALL GOOD, but a little funny. Hmmm... 3rd quarter is up. I'm ghost...heh.

I like the new jerseys. Ready to drop 50! SIKE!

Thank God for the Internett and livestreams. Muahahha!