Did absolutely nothing today. At least nothing productive. Felt great! Heh. A day off from everything that is called school was well deserved. Woke up late, slept in for the first time in ages. Not bad. Got myself home after staying over at Torshov. Got home ate some buffalo wings and rice. Went back downtown and just chilled. I also looked at some potential xmas presents, didn't find to much nice. It was alright I guess. But I did get some ice cream, swear I was craving it ever since I woke up. Probably because I had a pint of Ben & Jerry's before I went to sleep last night. Anyways, ended the day with chilling once again at Torshov, grubbin', and telling people what I want for xmas. Hah! Good day. But snap back to reality tomorrow.

Carmelita x Lion ice cream! Grrrrrrrreeeeaaat!

Grandiosa. One of the best frozen pizza that I have eaten.

Chocolate xmas countdown calendars. Gotta love'em.
Ps. I'm in Angie's room while I'm writing this. And I must admit that here room is kinda cool. Reflects her real well. Special. Hah! Naw, but it nice. If I were a girl....haha.