Wow I do live by myself now. It slapped me in the face and made me realize. Well, I woke up and the first thing I did was make breakfast and do the dishes, which I normally wouldn't do back at home. Hah! I've been doing it ever sine I moveed in here, but today it just felt different. Hmmm.. anyways. And after that I went to school, at school I was thinking about all the stuff I need to buy for the pad. Not cool stuff, but stuff like toilet paper and etc. Hah! Then Ate Eily came by school. She was waiting for her stylistsmission-thingy which was close by. On our way home we stopped by ICA to get something to drink. Then we found out that there was a sale on all goods by Findus, which is frozen food kings! And thats when it really hit me. I do live by myself. Hah. I stacked up good, and planning on going again soon. I know. Lame. Heheheh...

She went back to school. GEEK!

Bargain! Hah!
The rest of the day went to eating "Findus food" and chilling. Classes start for real tomorrow. Wish me luck!


So yummy some of us couldn't control themselves. Even put it on their socks. Nice!
Ps. Happy Birthday to; JD, Miss C and the Boss Hog! Hope you guys had a good one!
Pss. The snow really sucks right now.

Psss. Other pickups.

Acne chinos and Busnel beanie. Nice! Loving it!

My cousin(THANKS EVE) got me a ticket to the
Raphael Saadiq concert! I thought it was sold out, but she had an extra ticket! It will be legendary! "The Way I See It" is just so nice! Love that guy! Love that sound! VERY VERY NICE! THANKS ATE EVE!
Pssss. Get well soon Maggie! The thumb!