Trying to find the right ski-gear.

Right up my alley! No homo.


Slick Mic...

Love this place!

Sorry I just had to! Justin.........................Time!

Eily got a new cut. Nice.

His finally back on the blog. Hah!
The rest of the day went to packing and me chilling on the couch. I had a good day. Mom even stopped by to hook me up with some food and warm clothing for he trip that I forgot at the house. Thank you! (Funny story; when mom left she told me she was going to church and I told her to call me when she got there. She didn't call, and I fell asleep. As soon as I fell asleep she calls. And she was like: "Mike I'm lost I don't know where I am." Hah! Stupid me started laughing. She was walking around and couldn't find her way to church, urned out that she walked the opposite way, away from the church. She did find her way home though. Now she is safe at home! Mom your cool!)

Ramen noodles. Wow.
Yeah, yeah. Sorry I can't stop talking about the trip. I'm not really the mountain type of guy(duh!), but every time I get the opportunity I always have fun. I see no reason this wouldn't be fun. 150 students from my Major is just going to be shredding the slopes(well they are at least, hah!) and jumping on tables at the "afterskii". Hope I could have brought all of you guys!
One more day left. Si se puede!