
The board. Yeah, we use massage benches as tables. And what?


Meet the board-hunks. No homo.
After that I just stopped by work to do some Internetting. Heh. Still 7 days till I get my one network so. Wanted to stay downtown to join the demonstration for PEACE, a demonstration against the war in Gaza. However, I couldn’t because the delivery people from Elkjøp was going to stop by, so I was on call. Went home and just followed the demonstration on TV. A lot of people showed up, it was reported that there were more than fifteen thousand that showed their support. It was pretty crazy, on my way home I felt so teari eyed. Later on I found out that because of the demonstrations some stupid people started to throw teargass bombs around town. People probably thought I was emo. Hah!


Boss Hog

Barney the dinosaur.

Original pinoy gangsta. Hah!

Loser status. Thanks Mimi for the cardigan!
Yeah, yeah. Rest of the day went to waiting for the washing machine. Swear they took forever. They delivered it yesterday, but it turned out to be the wrong one so they had to take it back and bring it today. The guy told me to be home before 7 pm, so I could be there to receive it. Swear they weren’t here before 11 pm, and swear I had dinner waiting for me at Angies place. At least I got my washing machine, the right one. Good thing cause I was starting to run out of clean underwear. SIKE!