..However I have to say that I'm truly blessed with my situation over here. Mos def! I got so many friends around me that I guess think I'm a good guy. I got an opportunity to go to school and do what I've been wanting to do. My job is what's up. And my family is ride till I die.
For example. Today I was at school with my classmates which are all I could ask for. I'm the youngest so they always got my back. Thanks guys! School was alright because of you guys. Always nice to meet you guys when I just woke up and still don't know where I am. Hah!
When school was done I swung by Muji to say hi to C! Always a pleasure to see her. Nice to catch up, and I'm happy for you. You deserve the vacation. Thanks for not being mad after I broke all that stuff. Poor doodoo bird. Hah! After that I hung out at work. With no Internet, like mentioned, they let me hang out there to get my school work done and such. Thanks. And all these funny happenings at work is just crazy. Its a tiring job at times, but mostly fun. Thanks a million.

Aww.. so shy. Hehe...

Cool kids.
When that was done I caught up with my good friend Arif. Proud of you man! Do you man! Haven't actually known you for the longest time, but you got my back and its vice versa. Mayn, it was cool to get to chill and just walk around with you. Real on real man! 09, we got this.
So with all this love it couldn't get any better right? Wrong! Mom called and told me to meet them at Elkjøp, Norway's answer to Best Buy. They hooked me and my apartment up. Swear. I love you guys, for always taking care of me. I take you guys for granted at times, but I love you guys! Thanks for the washing machine, rice cooker, and all the other necessities and non-necessities. You guys rock.

Also got this new bad boy today. Wow its sick!
Sitting now at my parents house. Coolio. Eating lovely food and just chilling in my sisters room. She is hella cool too. Thanks for the cardigan from AA.

Its cool to "visit". You guys are awesome.

Very nice.
Dang. Thanks everybody.
Ps. I just felt like writing this. Might not even make sense. But anyways...