A lot of stuff went down this weekend. Everything from wonderful dinners, crazy afterski partying, blizzering cross-country skitrip, cold and snowful nights, historical after parties, fatigue, and way much more. It was all good though! No regrets! Memories for a lifetime.
The first day, which was Friday, started really early. Jonas and me, went to the Rockabilly man to get J's hair did. I guess you can say he was inspired by my cut? Hah! It turned out good though. You should start sporting it. I swear...



Then it was of to school. As mentioned I couldn't pay attention because I was way to ready to leave already. Finally at 2 pm the trip was in effect. The trip started with a little joykiller with JD getting a parking ticket. Dang it! Stupid snow! But we didn’t let it ruin the trip. We drove and drove. After car games, pit-stop, drinks, funny traffic jams, we finally got there!



Mr. Braate. A good man.

When your driving for hours, you have to do some stuff to keep the people happy. Especially when your stuck in traffic. Hmmm...
Already mentioned that the cabin was nice. And the first day we just got settled (grocery shopping) and already started to party. Hah! We went over to the girls cabin on the other side of the mountain where we were invited for a taco dinner and good times. So much fun! Thanks for all! The food was great, and you girls are the best! Heh. Crazy!

Ready for cabin life.



The beginning of the end. SIKE!

As you can see I am a veteran in this game...

Yup, we made a cake for the girls. Awww... No homo. Hah!

WOW! Happy times. It was grrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeaaaat! To bad I never brought any taco's back to our cabin. Dang it...
More on Saturdays events next.