Sorry, been a little busy these past days. Friday was a historical day for me. Hah! Well, the thing is that everybody who knows me, knows that I really don't care about my hair. And it was getting to a point where it was just plain nasty. Look like I had put a mop on my head, and called it a day. So on Wednesday we were joking about me getting a rockabilly look. Like Elvis, James Dean, Morrissey, type of hair. I wasn't sure if it was what I wanted. However, the guys at work knew this was it. So everybody chipped in and told me to get that look. So then it was settled. I was going to get it. And boy did I get it. Cut my hair at "
Folketeaterets Frisør". Good looking out man! This was a guy who even cut one of the worlds best Elvis impressionists. NICE!





Grease Lighting!
I was pretty happy, and the guys liked it so why not go out and floss it. So we just had a little kick-back at work and ended up at Fisk&Vilt later that night. Good times guys. Thanks for the haircut!

ShoeBoy being cute.

C'mon its Friday!

Everybody was in a retromood. With oldies bumping, it was good times!




My brother, the mentor, the inspiration - No homo.