On a better note, this day was good other than that. It was Richard's 21st birthday and we were to celebrate it at my aunts house. Mmmmmmmmm. Just great. Family, fried chicken, friends, springrolls, good memories, drinks. Hah! I hope you had a good time Richie! And hope you have many years to come! Happy birthday man!
Yeah, yeah. Enough with the text, here are some pictures. Ready set go.

Boca. A delight.

Ottarius Teach.

von Osten.


These riot days are getting out of hand. Pray for it to stop people. Stop the rage!
Now over to the birthday feast.


Living alone, you truly get to appreciate these events. Teary eyed for sure!

No party without the "crazy" uncle. Hah!

Happy birthday sir!

I find you really cool.

The parents room.

Kiss of the devil...


Yes I said it. Hah!
More to come... the night wasn't over yet...