I hacked your blogg and made you a post! yaay!
B! Happy fucking birthday! It is friday february the 13th and i am at a party at my friend's place in Makati, dedicating all my un-sober words to you. I cannot describe how sad i am for the lack of my presence on your 21st b-day! I miss you insanely, Michael Ray! And i wish you were here every day! I wonder what you're doing today? What food you're eating, what drinks you're drinking, what weed you're smoking and what ass you're tapping! (was that too much for the public eye?) Haha! Whatevs'! Don't look at me for false modesty, i am not of that kind.
Aah, MIKE! Serioso, i miss you. heLALA! i miss LA. i miss LV. i miss grand lux cafe and their bomb ass 4am resto food! AND their fucking strawberry lemonade with sugar on the griind! i miss us taking a cab from ladera ranch to mission viejo, toxic at 8am in my oversized wallmart sweats. i miss leprechauns (haha).. i miss wii fit. Or actually, i just miss Gilbert on the wii ft in my livingroom. i miss eating forever with you. i miss the shitty stereo in the red van. i miss tita lou. i miss the pastry. shamean? cupcakes sheet, lhaav! i miss cerritos mall. HaHa! i miss you showing up at my house in mission pendejo, to kidnap me and fucking KILL me at fairfax. Jjih. naks.) FUCK YOU, i miss you. And all our secrets.
One more thing, you know the video? it is shit. Vimeo is worthless in the P.I. Unless you have 36houres to upload a 3minute clip. So a delayed birthday vid's comming up. Solely for you! My favourite forever!
Till then, here are some fine ass memories of you and I. There are a million more things i'd like to tell you, but time nor words are of the essence when it comes to my devotion of me to you. You're one of my role models Mike. Ride the wave you've created. You have my utmost respect and admiration. And I love you with complete soul, body , mind and heart.
