The day started awesome. Slept in for the first time in long time. Woke up to awesome weather, the sun was shining and it wasn't really that cold. The first half of the birthday I spent with the lady that carried me in her womb for 9 months and has put up with my crap since birth. We had a wonderful time. Ate at this nice diner called Beach Club by the pier. Love this place. Great food and the atmosphere with the interior and music just really gives you the feeling of the States. Thanks mother!


Beautiful weather.

Go check it out.

I had the Favorite burger. Big arse meat with cheese, bacon and chili con carne. Awesome. Hah!
Later on we just walked around downtown and enjoyed the day. Mom was telling me how fast time has gone and stuff. Cute. Hah. We ended our little "session" at church. We went to church to give some thanks. for getting a new year, and pray that it would be even better. It was really nice. Thanks for taking me there mom.

Around 6 pm I said goodbye to mother (so I thought, more on that later) and was going to meet up with Ate Eve and them at Cubar bar for some chilling. Oh boy was I in for a surprise...wow.

Chillin' at Cuba. People weren't so excited for me...hmm.. LAME-o's.. but I was wrong..