Anyways, we all started with a little pre-dinnerparty at my place. It was cool. Happy to see that most of us made it. We had fun. Snacks, music, and eager party people. Btw Lady Gaga. Wow what a weird person. Hah!


Sorry neighbors!
Then it was off to dinner at Villa Paradiso. Swear that stuff was so good. Real Italian pizza. Smaller than what I am used to, but oh so filling. I had the Paradiso pizza with all kinds of stuff on. Anchovies on pizza is actually really good. People say that it has the best pizza in town, and I must say its more than true. Really good. Everybody was pretty happy I guess. Good times.

Absolute delight! Check out the HALOHALO sticker, the food, and of course the Kleiner Hai. HAH!
Dinner was done, and then it was out and about in town. Hung out a little bit at Cuba bar, then at Sirkus, and ended the day at some Law-school-student-club-party-thingy. We had fun. At least the people who were there till the bitter end. Not even the snow stopped us. Hah! Crazy night. Say hello to the new board, and thanks for everything oldies! Hehe..

And oh yeah, to bad we didn't get a group picture. Dah well!