PBJ for lunch.

This stuff is bomb!
After the longest session in weeks I decided to roam around the streets. First Sole Service up on the west coast, then Stress downtown, and of course Sole Service downtown. Saw a whole bunch stuff I want to get. Heh. To materialistic, not good. But that Hundos flannel was sick! And the Woodwood jacket was on point. Late gift anyone?


Swear I need this jacket. Heh.

Main mayn Heeerg!

Then I just went home and chiiled. Tini and Angie came by to chill with me. Coolio. Dinner and a movie. Niceness. Day off tomorrow!! Hurray for me. But I think I need to catch up on some more reading. I feel regenerated with "wanting-to-learn-more-energy"! SIKE!


Good to have you here sis!

There is a certain something with this girl...Hmmm..

Chill people.
Until tomorrow!