Thought I was going to get some shut eye this morning, but decided to go to church with the parents. Good choice. Nice way to start the 21st year. Only down part was the amount of blue degrees there are outside right now. Swear, I m walking around fearing that I'm going to turn into a popsicle. Heh.
After Mass I just chilled at home, until them boys came over to kick back. I invited them over to help me eat the food that was leftover from Fridays bash. Haha. There is so much, and there is still more left. Just tell me and we can arrange a time for you to participate as well. Nice.
Family dinner.
Chocking on the chickenbone. Hah!
ShoeBoy fixing his latest piece.
Now thats some nice craftsmanship.
It was cool to have the guys over. Yeah, yeah... Let's do it again soon. Oueff. New week up. Somebody give me motivation? I'm ready to just be gone this week. Gah! However all the good things from this weekend will help me through for sure. Thanks again everybody for this weekend. Special thanks to the parents. Nothing but LOVE.
We also watched the NBA All-Star dunk contest from last night. Crazy! Krypto-Nate! Here is a glimpse of what was done: