Woke up wide awake. Not sleepy at all. Thats a first. Fixed lunch and all that. When I got outside it was sunny and they had got most of the snow out of my way. Nice. 'Bout time if you ask me. Heh. When I got to the bus stop there where actually two buses there. Lucky. Hehe. Got to school in time, we delivered our group project and had a good feeling about it. Phew. Went to class and it was actually fun. We got to see how it felt to have a asthma attack. I feel bad for the people who suffer from it. It was interesting to "feel" how it is. Its like your getting an anxiety attack, feels like your going to die. Scary, but "fun", in a strictly educational point of view of course.
Anyways, after class I felt like buying one of the books that we need to read. It was sold out everywhere, and it wasn't getting in stock again. Well, it was, but then I would be to far back on the reading. My last resort was this little book store by the school. And what do you know. They had it! And I even got a 10 % discount on it. Score! First time being happy for getting a book for school. Hah! So, of to the study hall I was, and I actually got done three chapters. Nice. Good book I must say.

Get educated.
After school I went to Sole Service to pickup a little package that I ordered. Thanks Mr. Jacobsen! They were beautiful! One more to go now! Thanks miss for sharing this moment with me. Hehe. Yeah, yeah. Was supposed to go downtown later, but went home.

Hurray! finally the VIII in another O.G colorway. Butter.
The rest of the day I just chilled. Read some more, ate a bunch, and friend stopped by to give me tips on music, watch a documentary about breast with me, and eating my ice cream. Cool!

To bad it wasn't Ben & Jerry's. Next time!

After ice cream it was dinner time. Hah! Iron chef Mike strikes again.
Today was a good day.