Another one of those sunny funny days...

What a day. The weather keeps me on a natural high, even though I'm actually tired as heck. School was alright today. Had about this test to check how capable stroke patients are, and then we had a guest speaker who told his story how he fought his stroke impairments and learned how to use his affected arm again. He showed us different tasks in water and how to use music and dance to workout. The guy was 70-years and fit as heck. The man was inspiring. More power to him.

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Everybody was dancing in class. Fun.

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Lunchables. First time I wasn't the one who bought the chips.

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Ice cream weather mayn!

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Oh yes.

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Awkward culture clash. Hah!

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It was a pretty long day, but me and Grims stayed put and got some reading done after class. Good job sir. Arif stopped by when I was about to pack up. Cool man! He gave me a glimpse of the future and we got to hangout for a bit. We even met up with Wai and started some ruckus downtown. Coolio for sure.

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I don't wanna read anymore.. arrgghh!

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Phil.T. be reign-man'n it. The future is bright young sir.

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Nice mayn. No homo. Hah!

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Again no homo.

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Lovin' them Johnsons...

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Nice man-bag. Who is it?

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Its the cANDYman! Welcome back sir. Good to have you back. Even nicer to know that you had fun over there!

Then me and Wai got ourselves to the gym for a good workout. Swear I'm going to be sore tomorrow. Oueff. But it was nice though. It actually gives me extra energy for these long days. Nice.

Ended the night on a high note with some grubbin'.

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Tomato soup and bread. Old school food.

Good day. Almost weekend already. Appreciated. You already know!