Another one of those chill days. Got to school and class was chill, my classmates that were in charge of the lecture so it was nothing to serious. They did a good job though! Then we got some lunch, and the rest of the day we worked on our new project. Swear there is to much going on! We're even starting up a new unit tomorrow. SICK! NOOOOT! Bought a book and it costed me 500 Nkr. Why does it cost that much? But hopefully it will be worth it in the end. It should at least. Hah!
Leftover lunch. Nice.
After school I went downtown to meet up with some friends and check out The Hundreds over at Stress. To bad I bought that book, I really wanted the new snapbacks. Dang it! Next time! Arrgh! Hehe... Also checked out work to see all the new clothing we got in. Swear its nice.
cANDY with his new grillz! Have a nice trip to NYC mayn! Have fun! Can't wait for the report!
Swear I want these. Hot colorways!
My weirdo cousins. Love you guys.
Gotta rock them stripes.
The new stuff is hot. Grown man status.
When I got sick of downtown I went to chill with Angie. She is leaving for London tomorrow so wanted to spend some time with her before her departure. It was chill, haven't been with here in quit a while. Cool like it always is. Just hang around, doing nothing. Except today we got to video-chat with Chrisla! It was really nice. Really nice to see her face again. Miss u b! Also cool to see that you got good people around you. Whats up Baret and Eizel!?
Everybody wants to speak with HELALA.
Yahoo! Messenger for life! Miss you Helala! Happy Birthday Eizel! Princess aka Lady Gagi!
Anyways... Have a nice trip Angie! Say hello to Thea from me. Safe trip, see you in a jiff.
Take care. Its going to be a blast.
Ended the day with pizza and the new 500 Nkr book I bought. It better be good.. hmmm.