HAHAHAHAHA! This guy went out the door wearing two different shoes, and didn't even notice it until he got on the bus. Nice one. Dig you for this one mayn!

Clear skies. This picture does not do it any justice. The sun was up and just beaming everywhere!

As I was taking pictures of the sky, someone walked by. And it was once again Mr. Paradise Hotel. Hehehe.. Hiding in my neighborhood. Hah!
It ended early so I went home to read and get some grub on. I ate a whole bread in like an hour. Hungry I guess.. Hmmm.. The new book I'm reading is alright, but the "Bible"-thin pages are not so motivating. Hehehe. However, I did get some done.. so thats pretty good I guess.

School boy. Hmm..

Seasoned turkey on bread. Niceness.
Met up with the parents and little sis to eat dinner out again. This time it was at "Far East" for some Asian food. Pretty good. i was full at least. That Vietnamese pepperbeefsteak is off the charts. Thank you for the meal and fun convo people!

Sis with her MJ. Ballin'.

Thanks for everything...


After supper I hit the gym to burn the food off. Sike. But I did go though. Ended the day watchin Rob Dyrdek's Fantasy Factory on MTV. HAHAHA. That guy is the man. Google it. Swear I wanna live like that one day. Wowzers!?!?!? Nice.

Human Torch 95's.

And oh yeah, pickups from the past couple of days:

Hundos tee and Acne jeans. Hurray.