*Beep* *Beep*. Woke up to a SMS that our guidance counselor for our internship got sick, so we had to take the day off. So, because of that I stayed home this morning. Read a little bit at home, but for the most part I cleaned the house (dishes, washed clothes etc) and worked out a bit before the basketball game.

Lunch. Took the leftover taco-chicken, and mixed it with sticky-cheese-rice, and made myself a burrito. FOOD FOR A KING!
Went downtown to kill time before the subway left, met up with Tobie and Kele. Good to see you guys again, Mr. Cph and Birthday boy! We stopped by some of the local shops since Tobie is back an all. Chopped it up with people and such. The best part was Hall of Fame where Pay2 had a little thingy I was lucky enough to borrow. OKAY!

Somebody got a new toy to play with...

You already know it was ShoeBoy aka ShoeMacher.

Pay2 with his fresh arse Campus x FP. Can't forget the matching wristband. Nice.

Thank you sir. You know I've been wanting to watch it again. Lifesaver.
The game was nice. Nice to play some ball with the team again. We were trailing, took the lead back. And then when it was like two minutes left we were up, but they did a comeback, and luckily we won in the end, with a single point. Hah! I got fouled out of the game as well. But I played alright. Had my stats. Hurray. The last foul I was called for was bogus! Swear!

Final score. Nerve-wreckin'. They missed potential-gamewinner free-throws and such. YUP!
Got home and just chilled the rest of the night. Kele, Tobie and Angelo kept me with company for a while. Chopping it up with these guys is fun. Talk about everything, and nothing. Hah! After they left I bored myself to an early night...

Leftover dinner.

The meeting was adjourned. The people of the square table.

Kele has Time Crisis on his iPhone. How gangsta isn't that!? Love that game!
Friday tomorrow. Busy weekend ahead. Somebody give me strength. Wowzers?...

I wanna be like this Mike.