Got home after the game and just chilled at home. Worked with school work, watched a whole lot of TV and live streams on the mac. And of course ate a bunch. Hah! Wai stopped by for a quick minute. Ratih came by to drop off some cookies. Thanks again! And Maggie came by to chill as well, she even brought some Ben and Jerry's. Good job! Hope you liked the cooking. Hehe. Its always nice to have people over at the place. Especially when I am doing homework, get to have some breaks. Hehe. So just invite yourself. Your welcome! (To a certain extent...hehe).

Yummy cookies.

Thank you miss!

High school Musical. Quality entertainment. Hahah.

Glory, glory Man United! Yet another trophy!

"Are you smarter then a 5th grader?" in the back, while I get to watch Starbury back on the court. Very nice.

Always on the texting. Just messing.. no one to discuss with. Hah!


Leftovers. Pimp it up with some melted cheese. SCORE!

Dinner ft. soyafriedrice and cheesyroastbeefomelet. Niceness.

Dessert. Oh yes.
Chill, chill. Only thing I wanted to add to my Sunday would've been the John Legend concert. Hope you guys had fun!
What a good week. Lets go for another one.