Class didn't start until late so that was pretty cool, but woke up early to workout a bit and make myself a beautiful breakfast and wonderful lunch. The sun was up as well, so it was nice. I was even listening to Summer songs on the way out of the door. I'm liking this weather a lot. Good job sun.

I like my neighbors plants. SIKE!
School was alright, I sat by the window, so I was pretty much staring outside. It was the last school day before easter break, the next two weeks we will be interns at institutions/clinics. Its going to be fun. Can't wait! The most fun with school was eating chocolate at the board meeting. Oh yes. Sorry people at the meeting for goofing around...Hehe.. my bad.

Tortellini with grilled chicken in pesto sauce. Okay!

Its that chocolate.
After school I lurked around Løkka. Everybody is outside these days so you meet people everywhere. Kinda cool actually. Stopped by my friend Marte's job. I like the little spot she works at. Nice. Good luck on the shoot today! You and Matilda got this! Wish I could bethere to see Arif and Kari doing their thing...


Random. Yes its melting.

Niceness. History of Air!
Then I finally got home to eat and chill. And oh yeah, then it hit me that I was supposed to go out last night. Because of the 2-week-internship the class wanted to have a little "we-wont-see-each-other-in-a-while-party". HAHA. Wasn't supposed to go, but one thing led to another, and BANG! It was fun though. I'm dead tired now though. Wow. Really want meat, but its fish-friday.. GAAAAHHHH!!

And yeah. I need to vacuum-clean the house.

Loner-dinner. Had to eat meat since it was Fish Friday today. Hah!

I said BANG!
Ps. Don't forget GRITS tonight!