Made a big big breakfast. M came over to eat some of it. Then J and I finished it of. Thank you for participating in what would've been once again an emo-meal.

Pestocheese omelet ft. bacon and fried rice. And of course some OJ.

And this for deserts.
The day was bright once again, so I roamed downtown with the others. Pretty chill. Found a nice jeans jacket, which I've been looking for. Might just get it next week. Nice. Also got a new pair of shoes to ball in. Thanks Boss Hog!



The all seeing eye.

Welcome back Franklin!

Ready for Monday?


The couple with the three stripes.





Watchin' "The Pickup artist" before going out. My mayn!
It was a pretty chill day. The rest of the day was spent at cousin Eve's pad where we ate some bomb-arse homemade taco-pizza's. Swear! Yummy. Wish there was more actually. Hehe. And oh yeah, we also watched Will Smith's 7 pounds. Good movie.

Ate Eve has the best meals.

Blanca's brownies weren't to bad either. OKAY!

Hungry waiting kids...

Life is great.