To wake up at noon with the sun beaming up your room is most definitely very appreciable all the way to the max. When you combine it with whatever you want for breakfast and good people and fruitful conversations, you end up with pinching yourself to see if its all real. But trust me at Ribbagarden it feels surreal, but what you see is what you get! Yup.
Chocolate milk.. its been ages.
After breakfast we went around the town area to get candy and do some sightseeing. I just dig how the place looks all old school. To bad the weather was kinda grey, because when the sun is out the streets are usually colored up by all the happy people. Hehehe... And to bad we didn't get to the pier.. too cold, but I swear I miss that red/green pesto burger they got over there.
Leopard bat.
Candy Queen.
Poser King.
When we got back to the hotel we were met by my newest buddy aka baby Milo! Swear that brat is so cool. PAPA JESUS FTW! HAH. This kid is going to become a heartbreaker for sure. And then it was time for more food again. Finally I got to eat the famous pannbeef, not overrated at all. Try it!
BabyMilo and his whip.
Getting in touch with her Asian side. Hah.
Cool kids.
Blue eyes ftw.
Panbeef with potatoes aka a lovely dream.
Beverages for days.
What's good BawsBaby!?
Fav gals.
Ended the evening with photo madness. Good times for sure. Hella fun. Hate us we don't care... haha. Bawsiiiiiiiii. If you can't beat us, join us! For reals though... Lala is good with the camera, get at her if you want your photo taken.. hehe. Stay tuned for this one.
Getting the set ready. Hehehe.
The photographer of the night.
Ghetto studio ftw.
Pictures from the shoot coming soon. Ribbagarden ftw.