The chronicles of Frelsersarmeneren x akam1k3 Vol.II

Here we with another one.. the pictures suck this time, but I think you will get the point! Enjoy!

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"It may not mean nothing to y’all, but understand that nothing was done for me. I want this feeling to last forever! I’m known for using the “in-medias-race” technique, so let’s fast forward and begin today’s chronicle by establishing the fact that I’m the greatest ever! Like the rapper about our age –but as I sit here writing, I find myself influenced by something else than my oversized ego. It’s either the influenza, or, but highly doubtable, the Christmas spirit that has taken residence in me! I’m not a doubter of miracles; I have seen crazier things than a flue-infested person looking on the bright side of life, I’ve seen a junky walk on water and I’ve seen water be turned into wine. There might be some modifications to those truths! The junky was actually walking on semi-frozen water, yep; it wasn’t thick enough to hold his weight, so for a split second or two he was actually walking on “water”. It wasn’t that deep, so he managed to get up by himself, and might I add, in a speed that would have made Jamaica’s Bolt jealous. The water becoming into whine is a secret I’ll keep to myself for now, but I’ll share it with you –either the whine or the story, Scouts honor!

There’s no price for guessing that the excited person is me! Glancing out the window, all I can see is a white Oslo, Xmas trees covered in snow –a picture perfect. I have to thank the man upstairs for making sure of that! For once I’m not talking about God, but the commercial-CEO that so happens to be living in the apartment above us! It is as realistic that the snow that has poured down the last couple of days is sticking around, as you are welcome to spend the day after the one-nighter! A picture tells more than a thousand words, so imagine the exit sign and feel free to use the door beneath it. So when the streets no longer shine in its pretty white colors, and the trees no longer looks like a scene form a Disney Christmas block-buster, we at least have the Billboard to devote our attention to! In the words of Jay-Z “it’s a hard knock life”, the world is becoming a sinister and dark place, perhaps we need to pray for a Christmas miracle to lift our spirits and enjoy this holiest of months. Personally, I’m a man with a divided faith. I like to think that bowing my head from time to time, and praying to the “real” man upstairs, not the one in tuxedo, but the one wearing the white robe, makes a difference, but –and there is always one, I believe that action speaks louder than words!

Why I’m bringing this up, is perhaps as unclear to you, as it occurs to me! Some people have stated that you should ‘blame it on the alcohol’; I blame it on my fever- it’s making me delusional! I mean, how far are you, when you sincerely believe that we’re able to change what the future has in store for you? Some say I need to put down my cough medicine, I say bottoms up! There have been some discussions in the media lately; that we should do all in our powers to save the climate from its current development. Well, primarily we ought to understand that today’s disastrous events are caused by us selves , so to seek help from divine powers is as logic as wetting your pants to become warmer, figuratively speaking! You might have found a solution that seems to work, but in the long haul you’ve just postponed the hard work. A wise friend of mine once said, “If you can’t face your problems, then there is something wrong with your face” You should know better and act accordingly!

December is a time for carol-singing, dancing around trees and hanging out with friends and family! As I stated in the first couple of lines, I want this feeling to last forever. We’ve worked as hard as the next fellow to earn the right to chilllax the rest of the remaining year of 2009. But how do we spend this dearest of months. For one, I know that no one even comes close to the way I spend it! I usually start the fiesta by eating a little too much of the wonderful cooking and spend the rest of the time either on a sofa watching TV or in bed dreaming about what tomorrow might bring. That pretty much sums up the whole shabbang. One sad thing and really depressing for that matter, is that I have ceased spending the day before Christmas Eve (the gift day in Norway) in an insomniac modus, troubling myself with the thoughts of what I might get. Waking up early and watching all the TV-shows that I’ve seen 21 times too much. But what is Christmas, if not a day spent in “the same procedure as last year”? I like to think that I have all the answers, but in this case I have to say “Pass”. What scares me is the thought of looking out the window next year, and finding myself looking at a season that resembles the summer more than the snowy landscapes that surrounded us not long ago –about the time when all we wished for Christmas were our two front teeth.

I’m not that politically involved that I need to spread a word of wisdom every time I write something, but it seems that faith works in mysterious ways and wants me to tell you a lesson as I’m about to finish today’s chronicle. Everybody can do at least one thing to better the conditions for our future, and if you’re a Grinch, I suggest you watch the movie by the same name. If we are to remember one thing about this year it might be wise to remember the message of “Change”-we want it to be for the better!

Christmas is an extraordinary occasion to do a good deed; at least throw your gift paper and garbage in the right container!

From all of us,

To all of you!

Do a good deed, NOW!

and have a Merry Christmas and

A happy New Year!!"

Whatchu think!?