Monday is the start of a good week I hope..

Monday started off with a bang. Had a really good day yesterday. Nothing but good times. Woke up really tired, but as soon as I stepped outside the door, I was amped up to do my thing at the internship hospital. It went pretty well. The patients were nice, and I had a good time. I even remembered to bring lunch so I was all set. Then after work I headed downtown to check out some stuff. Stopped by a couple of people to say whats up, which is always nice. Randomly met Sivert and Wai.. we chopped it up, and then me and Wai hit up our work over at Bogstaaawaaay. Fun times. Hehehe.. Nice to hang with you again sir. Take over the world soon yea? Then I got home and met my parents who wanted to chill and eat a quick dinner. Thanks mother. Much appreciated. Then the rest of the day I watched reality TV and "How to make it in America" while stuffin' my face in Mucho Mas food. Very good start on a week indeed. One more thing.. how couldn't it be a good day when I received a very nice gift the day before, and the weather was so nice that I was able to put them into use immediately..? BAWS.

On that grind.. making that better day for you and others.. hehe.

On the stoop.

Tourists. Hah.

First picture: Dinner. Second picture: Dessert.. Hah!

And then on to the goodies:

Nike Toki's and Nike All Courts. JUST DO IT. For real.. get on 'em. You won't regret!

How was your start of the new week!?