We woke up really early on Thursday, because we wanted to be effective during our stay at Morongo. I probably only had like two hours of sleep before we headed out in 100+ degrees for some shopping at the Outlet. Place was huge! Loads of nice stores too. Only did damage at Polo and Vans though.. hehe. And of course the food court. Hah! Good times - shopping and getting grilled. After the shopping we headed back to the hotel to feast at the buffet. Wow. I just don't know when to stop. Ate so much that I knocked out on the bed for a couple of hours. Nice huh? Good life. When we woke up we went in the pool to chill and finished it off with a workout in the gym. Productivity in effect! Yup yup.. the day was just awesome. Tiring, but awesome! Morongo ftw.

Breakfast. Hold the cheese though.


Yes you can have some.

Again, yum.

MJ was lurkin'. Hah.

Waiting for Wayne, our shuttle driver. Howdy!

Steady posin'.

Facebook profile picture potential.


Some of my plates from the buffet. BAWS. Sooo goood.

After the powernap, before heading home I had to get some Panda. Hah. Heffer status.

Wireless headphones for our drive home. Movie time.


And then some more food for the road. Oueff.
Thanks again for the wonderful trip to Morongo guys. Appreciated much. Thanks thanks! Swear I knocked out as soon as I got home. Hah. Must of been the after effects of the food...