Bummin' and the itis on a Saturday: A OKAY!

On Saturday I was a bum. Not hating though. Had a great time. Woke up late because I couldn't sleep the day before. All I did Saturday was chill and do some big arse food runs. Bought a load of snacks and other good stuff. I got my fav chips, I got a gallon of Arizona, ice cream, cookie dough and pasta etc etc. I was the chef last night, I made my pesto chicken pasta.. haha. They liked it, I did too. However, I ate to much and caught the itis. Hah! I knocked out so early last night. I was dead at around 10.. never happens. They even pranked me with the jejemon ish! Oueff that stuff is so stupid hahah.. Yeah yeah.. Good day though. I even woke up at 4 am and got to talk to her. Cool huh? Nice. Its never a bad day on vacation!

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Breakfast club. Langunisa ftw.

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Got to talk to these bums. Have fun guys!

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Some of the good stuff we got.

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You guys are evil. Sleep with one eye open.. or both.