The other day Gerrald, Kuya Ace, Mimi, and Mimi got ourselves to Laguna Beach to catch some sun. Finally I get to see what Laguna Beach is all about. The place is so nice. Big arse houses and very nice beaches. Almost everyone there looked hella rich.. haha. It was funny to drive on the same road that Lauren Conrad drives on during the intro for The Hills (r.i.p hehe).. hah! I never thought I would be the type of person that could just chill on the beach and soak up the sun. I actually managed to do it for almost two hours. Good job huh!? Hehehe.. The water felt really good though. Yup.. I've become a beach bum.. SIKE! I even made a lil video that will be up sooner than later.. all I'm saying is BABEwatch.. haha.. good times!

Designated driver.

Fire hot!

One day this will all be yours.

I said.. one day.. haha.

Gotta let the beach now.


Its not even the nicest parts.

akam1k3 is soakin' it up.

Angeles kids ftw.



The poser.


Michelle Tanner.

Cute toes huh? Hah.

B A DUB S. Miss you guys!
After the beach we hit up Fashion Island to shop a bit and grab a bite. California Pizza Kitchen ftw! More on that later.