Yup, like I mentioned we ended the shopping trip on Saturday at my favorite spot on Fairfax - The Hundreds. Another good time when I stopped by. Already mentioned that I got to greet Dom Kennedy and I got to see the final product of the art on the wall across from the store. Other than that it was just cool to chop it up with the peoples and being able to say bye! Thanks for everything guys, especially Mike! Way appreciated! And a special thanks to you for putting Norwegian Thunder as the customer name.. hahah. Nah, but you guys keep holding it down, hopefully there will be an European branch one day! And Mr. Spit and Dom Kennedy, lets make that Euro trip happen! Alright.. catch you guys on the flipside. Hopefully sooner than later. Here are my latest pictures from The Hundreds for now.

I like.

I like even more.

Random: Enriqz, Jav Dolla, and Spit.

Go get yours, and be on the look out for the "Until Next Summer".


Biniz mayn.


Just be COOL.

This is Mike saying hi to his peoples in Norway! Thanks b!

The Hundreds is Huge.. and thanks again!